Distributed Database

A new generation of distributed relational database, RadonDB is developed based on MySQL with unlimitedly horizontal scalability and full MySQL compatibility.
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Storage Nodes with Unlimited Horizontal Scalability,erformance scales linearly with number of nodes,Perfect for Ultra-high Concurrency Requirements
Cost reduction
One system carries the load of multiple applications,Significant savings in storage costs,Improve the efficiency of business services
Intelligent O&M
Zero interruption of scale-out and failover services,Service monitoring can be improved under the HTAP hybrid mode,Full automation without manual intervention
Data Consistency
Transaction atomicity for distributed systems,Data Consistency of GRS node mechanism,Comprehensive and effective guarantee of data availability
Highly comprehensive compatibility,Smooth migration of database,Reliability verified by real applications


Intelligent automation
Supports automatic horizontal partitioning and intelligently scaling out with one button click. The business is not interrupted during the scale-out process.
Ensure strong data consistency across multiple replica and zero loss of data. The primary and replica automatically switches over in seconds for primary failure
Audit log
Users can choose to enable the feature to query audit log for SQL to protect operation security.
Multi-availability zone deployment, SQL audit, and IP whitelist. The policies of security protection are flexible, safe, and reliable.
Real-time monitoring
Provides real-time monitoring on the user connection layer, internal transaction layer, and partition link layer, to achieve comprehensive monitoring.


High Concurrency Business
Large-scale Business
Real-time Online Business
Real-time analytics of massive Data
Replacement of Traditional Database


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