Elastic Bare Metal Server

Elastic Bare Metal Server is an Elastic Bare-metal Server with Ultra-high Performance, and Root-level Control and Security. Its Raw Computing Power is Almost Identical to Traditional Dedicated Servers with the Benefits of Agility, Flexibility, and High Availability of a Cloud Solution. It is Ideal for Demanding Workloads Requiring High Performance, Availability and Stability.
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High Performance
Physical isolation、Dedicated Hardware、Ultra-high performance、Fast Response
Automated configuration、Real-time Response、Instant Provisioning、Comprehensive Mirroring
Superior experience
VPC Direct Connection、Elastic Scaling、Second-level Billing、Automated Management
App Deployment
Cloud Native App-oriented Delivery O&M Efficiency


Near-zero raw hardware performance loss, with physical isolation and free from other users
NVMe-oF based distributed storage with up to 32T*20 storage volume and 200k iops
Compatible with the VPC network, with latency as low as 25μs, throughput up to 40G and 20Mpps
Comprehensive resource monitoring such as CPU, memory, hard disk usage, hard disk IOPS, network bandwidth, network
7*24 monitoring significantly reduces manual intervention with novnc-based Web Terminal for daily O&M and rapid rescue systemforwarding rate etc

Use Cases

Core Enterprise Applications Hosting
Hybrid Cloud
High-performance Computing
Big Data Analysis
High-performance Dedicated Cloud Containers


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For more information on use cases and technical architecture, please contact our customer service team.
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